Can Jindie Be Fought Again Let It Die

LET IT DIE - General Tips & Tricks
Permit Information technology DIE - General Tips & Tricks

Some beginner tips and tricks for Permit It Die! I made this in hopes newer players will have a better understanding of what to practise when starting out. This covers Death Metal usage, Mid-Bosses and Don Bosses in the first xx floors, and many more topics.

Role I – What Should I Spend Expiry Metals on?

Death Metals are the premium currency in Allow Information technology Die. Each 1 is 50 Cents USD and can be used in a number of ways.

Death Metals can be used to revive dead characters on the spot, to rush Research and Development (R&D) progress, and even to buy cosmetic skins for the Waiting Room. Yous might be tempted to use these when you die on a good run or at a boss, merely this would be a error.

Expiry Metals are best used to upgrade your storage!

Yous start with xxx slots, and can spend 2 Expiry Metals to upgrade the storage past ten. Luckily, with the updated new thespian login rewards, you lot can use the Death Metals given to yous to vastly increment your stash size. The login bonuses will corporeality to 24 Death Metals, which is 120 storage slots! This will make storing important crafting ingredients you lot'll need for afterward much easier.

Part II – Haters and You

At present that you've got your storage settled, let us talk nigh the dead person in the room. It is you. In Permit It Die, you'll die A LOT.

Haters and You

When you lot die in this game, your grapheme becomes what is called a Hater. A Hater is an enemy that represents other player characters. They announced in every room of the game, and high-level Haters can spawn in low-level areas. Exist aware of this when leveling a new Fighter, as fifty-fifty the low-level floors are not safe.

When one of your Fighters dies and becomes a Hater, you lot accept a few options:

  • Spend Kill Coins (which are discussed in Role III) to revive the graphic symbol with their equipment and inventory.
  • Use one of your other Fighters to return to the room you died on and impale your old character. Doing and so volition strip them of all gear and decals, but volition render them to your Freezer.
  • Let them die. When your character becomes a Hater, they will roam into other players' games and potentially kill them, which will net you lot in resources.

Typically, I discover spending Kill Coins to be the best and most time-efficient option. Kill Coins are easy to obtain from raiding and simply by playing the game. However, the prices for returning a Fighter vary on the tier of Fighter.

Part Iii – Farming

In Allow It Die, farming is a part of life, every bit it is in any F2P game. Y'all'll demand to farm two types of currencies in the game: SPLithium, and Kill Coins.


SPLithium is a blue burn currency that can be acquired from killing Haters or Hunters, raidng in the Tokyo Death Metro, or from login rewards. You use this to upgrade your Waiting Room's facilities. There are four things yous can upgrade in the Waiting Room: your Fighter Freezer, your Impale Money Banking concern, your SPLithium Tank, and your Prison house.

Upgrading each of these will increment the max chapters of resource they tin hold. Upgrading also increases their overall health, making them harder to destroy when raided.

SPLithium is used in crafting item upgrades. The higher the Tier of item, the more than Lithium you'll demand.

Impale Coins

Kill Coins are the primary currency of the game. You'll use them to recover lost Fighters, buy expensive equipment, decals, and more. Ever keep an eye on how many Kill Coins you have earlier y'all exit for a new, dangerous area. Personally, I feel information technology all-time to have plenty to immediately buy back my current Fighter, should they die.

But how do you farm for Impale Coins? 2 decent and consequent ways are listed below.

The Tokyo Death Metro

The Tokyo Death Metro or TDM is the asymmetrical PVP side of the game. How it works is every actor can be raided when non in their Waiting Room. The Raider tin come up into your Waiting Room, destroy your SPLithium Tank and Kill Coin Depository financial institution, and leave with some of your cash. You can stop invaders by setting some of your unused Fighters to defend the base. You can besides equip your Defenders with an alarm, that will spawn different types of enemies to kill the invader. The TDM is a good manner to make cash fast. Raids are express to 3 minutes and ordinarily other players' defenses are lackluster, so you should be fine. Be certain to bring your best equipment and Fighter to this; if they should die, they'll only be returned dorsum to the TDM Monitor.

Each player you lot tin can invade will have a rank. The general dominion of thumb is the lower the rank, the lower their defense force will be. If yous're still using a Tier two Fighter, I would stick to raiding Rank 20 and beneath people.

You can easily make tons of coin doing this, but beware, anyone yous raid volition have the opportunity to raid yous back. They'll ordinarily be able to raid you for about 5000 Kill Coins, and then it won't be the stop of the world.

The Normal Way

The other route of farming in Let It Dice is to simply climb through the Tower. You can easily internet about 16,000 Kill Coins in a xx-minute run-through of floor 1-10, and fifty-fifty more if you run 11-20. I volition acknowledge this is slower than the TDM route, but volition event in less people trying to raid you lot. Be sure to level your LUCK stat when going for this, as LUCK increases the amount of Kill Coins you lot receive.

Hunting for the Rare Crafting Supplies

In the game, you'll need two types of crafting supplies: metals and normal resources. Metals are typically the rarest blazon of crafting ingredient, and I highly propose storing whatever of these you find as presently every bit possible. There are various types of metals, along with different colours. Usually, bosses are farmed for uncommon drops of metals. Bosses are covered in the adjacent section.

The rest are resource you volition discover laying effectually in each flooring. This will range from cloth, steel, clumps of copper, forest, and a various others. Each tier of armor and weapons is meant to be used for each of the x floors. Tier one for the commencement 10 floors (ane-x), Tier 2 for 11-xx, and so on. Typically, you'll notice upgrade materials for each tier on their corresponding floor. Just keep your eyes out!

Function IV – The Bosses

The Mid-Bosses

There are enemies in the game called Mid-Bosses, who appear on unlike floors and are necessary to defeat at least one time to progress further in the Tower. In this department, I'll be covering all the bosses you'll encounter in the first twenty floors of the game.


Yous'll encounter your get-go Mid-Boss on 3F Tamata.

This Boss is COEN, a hulking monster that has poor eyesight merely excellent hearing. You tin crouch to momentarily make him lose y'all, if you need to heal. This fight is very easy, and you can very quickly power through it, every bit long as you take fully leveled your starting Tier 1 Fighter.

The Side by side is JIN-DIE on 6F Moka-Magome.

JIN-DIE is easily the weakest of the iv Mid-Bosses in the game. Her weakness is slashing damage. She is a teleporting sniper, who volition pelt you with projectiles and beams of gore. Like the COEN fight, as long as you lot've leveled your fighter equally high as possible, you'll exist fine. The most dangerous movement she has is a gore beam, which is poorly telegraphed and does high harm. However, she rarely uses this attack on this floor, so you lot shouldn't need to worry about it.

On 10F Shimo-Omeno you'll face your commencement real boss, Max Sharp.

Max is 1 of the Four Dons, the four main bosses of the Tower. Defeating each of them will earn you lot a stamp and admission to the side by side x floors. Defeating Max will unlock yous Tier two Fighters, who tin reach level l.

When you begin the fight, you lot volition have to run a gauntlet through two moving trains, racing towards the forepart to face Max. The train is constantly moving, but if you autumn off yous'll only be placed back at the starting time of information technology. At that place are diverse traps and enemies throughout it. Most notably are spinning saw blades that move in a pattern, and a couple of Bone Tubers who can be very lethal.

Once at the forepart of the railroad train, yous'll exist placed into a modest arena with Max. The edges of the Arena are comprised of an electrified wall that will stun the actor if they hit it.

Max volition do a stomp set on. Once he does this, you can string together a 3-hit philharmonic. Continue to do this until the fight is over.


11F Maka-Tsutsumi is your get-go encounter with GOTO 9.

GOTO ix is an agile 4-legged boss who will spray areas with vomit, making yous trip, and jump into the air and smashing into yous, dealing massive harm. GOTO 9 can be distracted past throwing Mushrooms in the arena with him, allowing you to get some hits in. This fight should be manageable, if you accept a fully-leveled Tier two Fighter.

16F Kaga has another JIN-Dice.

This fight is ane of the beginning major hurdles for the player. She has a high health bar and does high harm to a Tier 2 Fighter. If you find yourself having a tough time with this fight, get back to farming the first x floors forth with the floors leading up to 16 for crafting items. Being decked out in decently upgraded Tier two armor and weapons should push button y'all through the fight.

From floor 11+, you can find Transparungus Mushrooms, which will turn yous invisible for fifteen seconds, or xxx seconds if you grill information technology right in a burn. When cloaked, she won't shoot you or teleport, allowing you to deal large amounts of damage without worry. Exist sure to cloak before you lot enter the loonshit.
One time she is defeated, y'all will have admission to Tier iii Fighters.

20F Hachiyanma is where yous volition fight Colonel Jackson.

Jackson is the second of the 4 Dons, and similar JIN-DIE, will pepper you in projectiles. This time, those projectiles are explosives that bargain loftier harm.

The Encounter begins with disarming three bombs located within the loonshit, each in a corner of the map guarded past Screamers.

In one case y'all have disarmed the bombs, the real fight begins. Jackson will be placed into a trunk similiar to JIN-DIE, and teleport only like her. Over again, Transparungus Mushrooms can let you hit him without worry. This fight is honestly pretty easy, just annoying. Be sure to stock upwardly on plenty of healing items and you'll be fine, as there is so much cover within the loonshit you accept a good amount of breathing room. Once the fight is complete, you lot will have collected your 2nd large stamp, along with admission to the next 10 floors. Here is a video of the fight.

Congratulations! Y'all're halfway to the top! It merely gets harder from here.

Part V – General Tips

The Jackals

The Jackals are torso collectors for the 4 Dons, and best to be avoided at all costs. They are level 200 and will ane-shot well-nigh players. They spawn into a floor once you have killed everything and stuck around as well long, or if yous've stuck around too long in general. When one spawns, a siren will sound in the level, and so you lot meliorate get running! Exist sure to not tap the exit push while running though, as it will cause you to practice a dive kicking, letting a Jackal teleport behind you to finish you off.

The Mushroom Magistrate

The Mushroom Magistrate is a crazed Mushroom collector in the Tower, and sells you decals. Decals are used to upgrade your grapheme, and you can put one extra decal on for each tier you have. A Tier 1 fighter can simply put i decal on, just a Tier 3 can use iii. Be certain to check in regulary on what she is selling, as you'll unlock more than powerful decals every bit you progress.

Haters volition fight normal enemies!

Encounter a Hater and don't want to fight them? Herd them towards a grouping of enemies. If you can lose them all, they'll start fighting each other! In fact, you will ofttimes stumble across a Hater fighting normal enemies, which makes your life easier.

Golden Beasts can be used for XP

I know it might be tempting to sell a Golden Beast y'all go for Kill Coins, only if you take a new Tier Fighter, you can hands get them to a high level instantly by killing Golden Beasts! This can save hours of leveling and get you dorsum into the action. After all, those Impale Coins can easily be regained from raiding.

Don't be afraid to Permit Information technology Die

The Game, I mean, not your grapheme. Let Information technology Die is hard. It is unforgiving. Information technology will exam your patience and fourth dimension, and if that isn't for you, that's okay! The offset x hours are incredibly piece of cake and good fun, but after that, the game becomes a grind. I actually enjoy this game, but it won't be for everyone. Give it a shot, practice your all-time, and when you feel like the game is becoming besides difficult, you can safely but let it dice.


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